西藏為什麼有矛盾? 喇嘛為什麼搞獨立?
在14世 代的傳承中,有好幾任達賴喇嘛,都是英年早逝,原因很簡單,利益鬥爭,下毒暗殺,這就 是,為什麼,清朝朝廷最後給他 們定下一個金瓶制度的原因,乾隆實在受不了,這幫喇嘛們 --- 明 爭暗鬥的暗殺了。
這裡,可以看出這些神權統治者的虛偽,自稱 "活 佛" 的人們,為了利益勾心鬥角,下毒暗殺,使盡卑鄙的手段。
我曾經去過西藏旅遊,接觸過喇 嘛,以及平民。
在中共進入前的西藏,西藏人口中有95%的 農奴,以及,剩下的土司(奴 隸主)和僧侶階層。
農奴們世代為奴,在祭祀的時候, 土司會砍下奴隸的手臂,拔下它們的皮,作為貢品。
在達賴過生日的時候,他都會命下 密院的僧侶扒下兩個小孩的皮作為犧牲,如果你去西藏的歷史博 物館,你還能看到,十四世達賴離開西藏前親手寫的扒皮命令。
土司在招待客人的時候,待客的方法,就是和客人一起輪奸自己的女奴隸,這很容易理解,他們認 為這是熱情好客的體現,因為這 是在 "分享女人"。
中共在西藏搞了 "土地改革", 不過,老共的手段是很狠的,那些土司甭管是否願意,都必須交出土地,釋放奴隸,免除債務。
土地改革,是在1957年 開始搞的,接著,西藏就爆發了武裝暴動,土司們反抗了,然後,就是中共的鎮壓,接著,是達賴的出逃,但是,班禪沒有 逃,他選擇留了下來,因為他贊成土地改革。
這也造成了,西藏的 "族群分裂",平民與僧侶階層的割裂。
那些底層的老百姓藏民們,如果你去西藏玩的時候,可以留意一 下,西藏一般的農牧民家中,都 是把毛澤東的肖像和菩薩掛在一 起供奉的,因為他們的祖輩都是農奴,是毛給了他們土地和自 由。
老共現在的民族政策,藏族的教育,醫療,住房,全部都有政府的補助,這也是一般的平民藏族百姓,對獨立不積極的原因。但 是,僧侶以及以前的土司後代可不這麼想,在他們眼中,毛澤東和中共是剝奪他們土地和財產的罪人,不僅如此,在歷次的中共 鎮壓中,這些人的上輩或者親屬,或有被關押, 或有被槍決,可謂苦大仇深。
這些人一直在鬧,中共拿他們沒辦法,因為,在西藏這個地方,教育太落後了,藏族的文化太落後 了,這也是他們為什麼如此虔誠 的信仰神靈的原因,你能想像一 個拿到物理學碩士的人,去寺廟 向菩薩磕上十萬個頭嗎?
但是,藏民會,藏民會把家裡聰明的孩子送去作喇嘛,因為,在他們的傳統中,社會是分等級的, 喇嘛是最高貴的,這就是神權社會的典型特點。
因為,有著這種神權社會的特點, 所以中共對喇嘛是很頭疼的。
你大概不知道,西藏的每座寺廟的活佛,都享受中共國務院特殊補助的,換句話說,是中共在養寺 廟,養喇嘛,你看,每座寺廟都金碧輝煌,這些金子錢,都是內地的政府出的。
很 簡單,你再怎麼給他們補助,他們以前的土地沒了,努力也沒 了,風光得社會地位也削弱了, 他們不滿。
西藏人如果想要一個幸福的未來, 喇嘛階層是最大的拌腳石。
你知道現在最想發展西藏文化的是誰嗎? 是中共。
因為,最聽從喇嘛的話,最容易被 操縱的,就是那些文化水準很低 的藏民了。
所以,中共在西藏使勁的蓋學校, 內地的大學畢業生,如果志願去西藏教幾年書 , 回來後就可以免費讀碩士博士, 內地的大學,對西藏的學生向來是超低分錄取。
不過,在一個平均海拔5000米 的地區,特別是半年都是積雪的地區,辦學校和醫院,不是那麼容易的事情。
西藏,有30多 個臺灣大,但是人口不及臺北的 一半。
怎麼才能讓居住如此分散的遊牧人都能接受教育? 這需要高昂的投資。
中共的想法就是,藏族的文化水準 能夠高起來,不再那麼愚昧,當所有的藏民生病的時候,能去醫 院作個檢查,而不是去寺廟吃活佛的糞便的時候,喇嘛們也就沒那麼容易煽動藏民了,西藏也就好管理多了,當然,這樣的話, 喇嘛也沒市場和地位了,這就是 喇嘛們目前所面臨的 "生存危機"。
所以,中共在西藏蓋的學校和醫 院,是這次西藏動亂中,的首選攻擊目標。
喇嘛們,是容不得藏民學習文化的,一個學過生物學的人,他生 的時候,會去找喇嘛們吃糞便 嗎?
喇 嘛們,不是地球上唯一阻礙科學傳播的人。還記得,黑暗的歐洲中世紀嗎?還記得,宗教法庭 嗎?
當科學和知識傳播的時候,神權統 治者們就會發抖,當藏民們知道地球是圓的,繞著太陽轉的時 候,他們就再也不會相信喇嘛們 說的大地的邊緣是十八層地獄。
所以,這個文明衝撞的過程中,你必然會看到鬥爭,明的,暗的,和平的,暴力的,決不會戛然而 止。
撕 開 "人權" "自由" 的 外衣,這是一場神權奴隸制與現 代文明的衝突。
中共如果真的想把西藏經營好,讓西藏人們都過上富裕現代化的生 活,就應該多蓋學校和監獄,學 校送給藏民,監獄送給喇嘛。
我建議各位網路上的朋友們,去西 藏玩一玩,不要跟旅行團,也不 要只去寺廟,去鄉村,去草原,去看看西藏的原生態,去那些農牧民的家中看看他們對中共和毛澤東的觀點,看看他們辛勤的勞作,看看他們作過奴隸的祖父祖母那殘缺的手臂,和沒有文化的樸實,再去看看喇嘛們悠閒舒適 的的生活,聽聽他們對政府的不滿。
Anthony's remark:
This is not something you can make a simple statement. The way you response depends to a large extent on your own perspective. Do you think Tibet should be ruled by the Chinese? If you think so, then your response may be very different from someone who thinks Tibetan should be ruled by Tibetan.
I am sure some of the history cited were true, but does it mean the Chinese rule are universally welcome by the peasant class? In the modern world, it would be difficult to find many people who still accept political power of the clergy, and in a nutshell that was the Tibetan political system. I think even without the Chinese 'invasion', the Tibetan political system would be under tremendous challenge in the modern world.
While some of the peasant class are against the clergy rule, does it mean they are against the Buddhist religion, because in the Lama system, politics and religion are intimately linked together? I think it is a fact that lamas and monks are still treated with high regards in Tibet. How do you reconcile people's respect for their traditional religion from their past political dominance?
This is also pertinent because many observers have commented on the moral decay of the Chinese society. As the Chinese leaders are encouraging people to study traditional values, they cannot but help to encourage study of Buddhism as well. Considering the fact that Chinese Buddhist organizations had sustained such widespread destruction in the last 50 years, Tibetan Buddhist organizations seem to be the only ones who preserve an unbroken lineage of theory and practices. The other alternative might be to open up to the evangelical zeal of the Western Christians.
The title of the essay implies that the lamas are the only ones who want independence. This might be an over-simplification. As a Chinese, of course I do not want to see Tibet to be a separate country because it constitutes a quarter of the Chinese land mass. And I do not think Tibet will ever be an independent country because the population is too small (6 million) for such a big land mass. Nature abhors vacuum. If Tibet is not ruled by China, she would be under the influence of another big power, most notably India or the U.S. So from the perspective of national security and realpolitik, China would not hand over Tibet without a fight. We haven't even talked about the water resource because the Himalayas is the water source of all the major rivers in China.
So you see, there are so many factors at play here, history, power politics, religion, cultures and national aspiration, natural resources, etc. Some people just hold on to the issue of national independence, like people in the US, but the US would never allow the American natives to have their own nation, but they are always supporting Tibetan independence.
I know what Lung Zhi has in mind: how do we reconcile that history and political aspects if we are to practice Tibetan Buddhism? Can we just learn the practice but drop away the reference to national independence and political dominance? Is it possible? I sometimes wonder myself.
If you are interested in Tibetan issues and recent history, the best book is by a Beijing writer 王力雄寫的"天葬"。His wife is a Tibetan who writes in Chinese. Her name is Woeser, 唯色。she wrote a few books on Tibetan society as well and was cited in Times magazine a few years ago.
This is just a bit of incoherent rambling, but the issue is so complex.