DDMBA Ontario Drumming Class
Dear Practitioner,
法鼓山安省分會在此向大家宣布一個好消息:籌畫多時的法鼓隊終於要成立了!我們將於2010,7月26日晚上 7:30至9:30於會所開課。課程將於每個禮拜一晚間進行。
DDMBA Ontario is pleased to announce a new Monday Evening Drumming Class starting Monday July 26, 2010 at our 154 Poyntz Avenue location, from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm. The class will meet on a weekly basis and will be devoted to teaching beginners how to drum from a mindfulness perspective.
法華經卷三言:「惟願天人尊,轉無上法輪,擊於大法鼓,而吹大法螺,普 雨大法雨,度無量眾生,我等咸歸請,當演深遠音。」法鼓的意思,是以佛法的鼓聲,像暮鼓晨鐘般的震聾發瞶,使聽不進佛法的人也能聽得懂,使從未見過佛教的 人也能看得見,祈禱並期待人人都能夠得到佛、法、僧三寶的利益,人人都能沐浴在慈悲與智慧的明之中。萬善齊資,普世和槳,讓我們這個世界到處因著佛法的利 益而快樂,使人間社會成為健康、和諧、富裕、知足的樂土。 「法鼓」的另一意,是用鼓聲來比喻佛法的功效、作用。只要說法弘法,所有眾生聽到法音宣流之後一切煩惱、嗔怨、懷疑、驕慢,便會通通放下,而且很順利地接 受佛法的輔導、指引,進而作一位非常善良、和平而積極行善的人。
This class gives beginners the opportunity to learn the basics of drumming from a Chan viewpoint. Drumming not only holds a special place as a tool in DDM Chanting and other ceremonies, but it also can be a form of mindful practice in its own right, for the body and mind. Come and experience the joy of this refreshing, simple yet powerful instrument, in the company of fellow practitioners. This class also can serve as preparation for practitioners to participate in future drumming performances.
Please note that there will be a cost of $5 per person for each class, to cover the costs of drumming and practice-related materials.
報名請恰蔡欣欣,電話 905-8878061
To register for this class, please contact Michelle at 905-887-8061 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 905-887-8061 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or email ddmba.toronto@gmail.com.
What: DDMBA Ontario Drumming Class
When: Mondays, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm, starting July 26, 2010
Where: 154 Poyntz Avenue Toronto M2N 1J4
Cost: $5.00 per person per class
法 鼓山安省分會
DDMBA Ontario